
In the Bible Acts 22:6 is one account of Paul’s testimony to the believers and unbelievers. Our testimonies are very important to encourage others in their lives and their situations. We have put this page for that very purpose to share your testimony with others and glorify the Lord through His mighty works in you. We hope through that this page will bring joy and thanksgiving to those that share and those that receive them. You can send us your testimonial by email or on my Facebook.

God Bless you all.

Bonnie’s Testimony 2006


My name is Bonnie I was raised in the Christian Science church.  When I was 11 years old to my mother sent me a Christian Science home were there were a lot of handicap children and adults. I lived and worked in the home for six years. My mother  came and got me from there when the owners wanted to adopt me and send me to private school. My mother said “no”. My mother  and I could not live together. She did not do any thing to help me go to school; she wanted me to be a model. I had a hard time forgiving her for sending me away.

I left home when I was 18; I married and lived in Galveston. . We were only together 3 years, separated and finally got a divorce.. I then worked as a fashion and photo model for the next 6 years in Galveston, Houston and Dallas, which pleased my mother. I had a lot of boyfriends and went to a lot of parties always on the weekends, so it was then I learned to smoke and drink and gamble. I never had enough money and I was always trying different things to get more money ,moving around a lot a taking a lot of extra jobs, I found no happiness any where or with any one.

One Sunday at lunch I met a Norwegian seaman, 6 weeks later I married him and moved to Norway. My mother was shocked and angry that I could do such a thing. I was quite happy in Norway and we had two sons.

In 1977 we were spending the summer in our cabin on the fjord. We met a couple and as customary in Norway they invited us to their tent for waffles and coffee. They told us they were street preachers and invited us to come to hear them preach and sing. We went with them and became the best of friends.

We stayed good friends after we had left our cabin for the winter.

One Saturday they called and asked us to dinner. After dinner we found out they were also having a home group meeting with lots of singing and a good witness. That night I felt the pull of the Holy Spirit like a rush going through me and with a lot of tears of shame, because I needed to forgive my mother  because of the jealously I had inside me.  I was  jealous of my sister and how my mother favored her over me.

On the sofa in their living room  I gave my life to Christ ,I repented for my feelings about my mother and my sister that evening and there , with all my new Christian family I also became a Christian. That night I was born-again. My husband and I found more joy in our relationship and with our sons after that evening with our dear friends. Two weeks later my husband had a miracle at sea and fell on his knees and got saved there in a storm on the fjord.  My three sons are saved.

Also I learned a new song that evening” Min Konge og Jeg” My King and I we walk hand in hand along life’s rugged path. That has been my daily goal to stay focused on Him from that night in Norway. Since then I have lived in Spain and back here to the States. In all those years I have not let go of the King of Kings hand, but what is even more wonderful for me is that He has not let go of me.

Jesus can do the same for you. He can change your life forever, for the better. No matter what problem you have or are facing God can overcome the problem and set you free. Pray this prayer with me.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you through the Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son. I believe He died on the cross for my sin. I repent of my sin, and ask you to forgive me. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead, and I receive Him now as my personal Savior and Lord.  Amen"